We all learned our ABCs in Kindergarten, but do you really know where the alphabet comes from?
The Lynn H. Wood Archaeological Museum at Southern Adventist University offers unique insight into that answer.
Beginning Monday, Jan. 27, visitors can see the number one linguistic discovery in the history of biblical archeology, a small ivory lice comb inscribed with the oldest complete alphabetic sentence ever found.
Archaeologists from Southern Adventist University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem uncovered the artifact among the ruins of an ancient city in Israel in 2016.
The symbols carved into the Ivory Comb (yes, like a hair comb) offer a glimpse of early communication methods among humans.
What does the sentence say? You’ll have to see for yourself.
The exhibit housed within the Lynn H. Wood Archaeological Museum on campus is free, and the artifact will be on display until May 2. Learn more about and see the museum’s hours.