How to donate blood in Chattanooga, TN

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Less than 38% of the U.S. population is eligible to give blood, according to the American Red Cross. | Pexels

Hey, Nooga. Intern Brianna here. The first time I donated blood a year ago, I was terrified. I’m not a fan of being around blood. But, it turns out that donating isn’t scary at all (and it’s nice knowing that you helped somebody else).

There is a need for blood donations nationwide as COVID-19 forces the cancellation of blood drives and social distancing slows the process.

Locally, Blood Assurance Chattanooga leaders recently said that they were in “critical need” of donors due to a low donor turnout + a recent trauma in the service area. The local organization is also seeking plasma from recovered COVID-19 patients. Read more about that here .

Here’s what you need to know about donating blood now. 👇

Is it safe to donate blood during a pandemic?

Yes, but don’t go if you’ve been exposed to COVID-19. According to the FDA, there have been no reported cases of COVID-19 due to blood donation or transfusion. Don’t forget to wear your mask.

Where can I donate?

Blood Assurance
Blood Assurance has two donor centers in Chattanooga that are often open for donations

Chattanooga Main Office | 705 East 4th Street

Gunbarrel Road Location | 1748 Gunbarrel Road, Suite 104

It also has mobile drives happening throughout the month in locations across Chattanooga, which you can find here .

American Red Cross
The American Red Cross’s Chattanooga location:

Southeast Tennessee American Red Cross Blood Drive | 4115 S. Access Road

Am I eligible?

You must be at least 17 years old + weigh more than 110 pounds to donate. If you are 16 (and over 110 pounds) you can donate with one-time parental consent.

You also must be in good health to donate blood. Click here for a list of medical conditions + medications that can prevent you from donating.

What happens during the donation process?

After making an appointment via the donation site’s website (or by phone at 1-800-962-0628), you can show up to the center where you made an appointment at your appointment time.

When you get there, you’ll be signed in and asked to show a valid I.D. (a driver’s license works). After reading information about donating blood, answering questions about your health history, and checking your temperature, pulse, blood pressure + hemoglobin levels, you will be ready to start.

The donation itself takes roughly 8-10 minutes, and you’ll be given snacks and drinks afterward. 🙌

ProTip: Blood Assurance is also testing for COVID-19 antibodies . Tell someone at the time of your appointment if you’d like to do this.

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