February is the season of love, but we’re adding kindness to the mix. Friday, Feb. 17 is National Random Acts of Kindness Day, but these acts can be performed any time of year.
From simple gestures to volunteering your time, here are 10 random acts of kindness you can perform to make a neighbor’s day or brighten up the community.
Pick up trash
Participate in community-wide efforts to help keep Chattanooga clean with these local organizations. Not able to attend an organized cleanup? You can always make the effort to pick up trash when you come across it — plus, you can utilize one of Green Steps’ 50+ litter stations throughout the city.
Pay it forward
Ever had someone buy your coffee in front of you? It’s the best feeling. Pay it forward next time you’re grabbing your coffee from Be Caffeinated or Sunnyside Cup’s drive thrus.
Pay for a student’s lunch
This act comes from reader Lori D. “A great act of kindness would be to contact a school and pay a child’s lunch or backdue charges – there are so many kids that can’t afford the $3 a day.”
Help collect brush and leaves
Ask a neighbor if they need help collecting brush, bulk trash, or leaves from their yards. Help by getting yard waste to the curb for scheduled pick up by service area.
Show local businesses some love
It’s no secret that we love our local businesses in Chattanooga. Next time you stop by your go-to spots, tip generously or write a positive review.
Plant native species
Add some green to your community by planting native species. Spots like Reflection Riding Arboretum & Nature Center sell native plants and have knowledgeable staff to educate you + help pick the right species for your home.
Support the Chattanooga Community Fridge
Donate fresh produce + other food items to one of the community fridge locations in town, or sign up to be shopper. Bonus: check out other ways to support the mutual aid project.
Bring treats to work
Next time you’re on the way to work, grab your coworkers some coffee or pastries. Pro tip: glazed donuts from Koch’s Bakery + brews from Mad Priest Coffee Roasters are a perfect pairing (and located right next to each other).
Help our furry friends
Consider fostering or adopting a furry friend in need of a home, or volunteer at a local shelter like Chattanooga’s Humane Educational Society. You can also donate monetarily or drop off blankets, toys, food, etc.
Volunteer with local organizations
Check out our growing list of 30+ organizations with local volunteer opportunities.