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Climbing athlete Sasha DiGiulian to visit Chattanooga

Meet climbing athlete Sasha DiGiulian as she visits Chattanooga and be one of the first to watch her HBO Max documentary “Here to Climb.”

NOOGAtoday | Here to climb

Be one of the first to see this documentary film.

Graphic provided by Red Bull Media House

Folks within the rock climbing community may be familiar with professional rock climber Sasha DiGiulian. She has been climbing since she was six years old, was the first North American woman to climb the grade 9a, 5.14d (recognized as one of the hardest climbs achieved by a female) + has taken home several world titles.

DiGiulian is the subject of the upcoming HBO Sports documentary from Red Bull Media House, “Here to Climb,” which is set to debut on Tuesday, June 18. The film follows her journey to “the biggest walls on the planet with a series of bold first female ascents.”

Want to be one of the first to see the film? DiGiulian will make a stop in Chattanooga on Friday, June 7 at the Chattanooga Theatre Centre. Attendees can watch the documentary for free and join DiGiulian for a Q+A session following the screening — get your tickets online.

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