Fact or Fiction: Does cutting the cable cord save money?

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EPB’s fiber speeds are beyond fast enough to support streaming + Internet access on all your connected devices | Photo provided by EPB

What would you do with an extra $50 a month? What about $100? (We don’t have to tell you a little bit goes a long way.) One of the easiest ways to make that happen? Getting rid of cable channels you don’t need. Through their Cut the Cord initiative , the experts at EPB have helped Noogans simplify their services — even if that means reducing or eliminating their EPB cable subscription.

So, can you guess what’s fact or fiction when it comes to cutting the cord?

Fact or Fiction: If I want to save money, I have to completely cut out cable.

This is fiction. When you bundle your services , you can still enjoy your favorite sports games and cable shows, because streaming platforms (like Youtube TV) have access to that same content — and often, they’re a bit less expensive than a full cable package.

Fact or Fiction: Switching to streaming will end up being just as expensive, especially because I’ll need new equipment.

This is fiction. EPB representative Angie T. recently had a client who cut the cord and kept his antenna, but purchased a Fire TV stick. “He’s now streaming and saving $127.94 a month,” she says.

Intrigued? Getting started is easy — just make a list of your must-have channels, shows + genres for you and your family, head to EPB’s MyBundle page, and get a personalized recommendation on what combination of services will help you save.

Want to keep testing your knowledge? Just click the button for two more fact or fictions.

Fact or Fiction: You can watch cable without a cable box.

This is fact. You can use a streaming device you may already own (like an Amazon Fire Stick, or Apple TV), smart phone, tablet, or even your phone to stream video content that comes with the service providers you subscribe to. In simpler terms: You can watch what you want, whenever you want without renting set top boxes.

Fact or Fiction: Cable and streaming are two words for the same thing.

This is fiction. EPB representative Latrice Douglas explains: “One of my clients called for information on what it means to cut the cord — she joked that she was ‘as old as a dinosaur’ and didn’t know what it meant. I explained it to her, and she realized that she’s already familiar with streaming because she watches Netflix.”

Bonus: When you make the switch, EPB continues to provide support with email updates with up-to-date streaming info, how-to videos + more.

Intrigued? Getting started is easy — just make a list of your must-have channels, shows + genres for you and your family, head to EPB’s MyBundle page, and get a personalized recommendation on what combination of services will help you save.*


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