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Join this lemonade stand challenge for a cause

Find out how to participate in local nonprofit Isaiah 117 House’s annual fundraising event where anyone can host a lemonade stand.

children around a lemonade stand in a yard

“There is such a need for foster care, and we are able to change the way it begins.” — Location Leader John Hunter.

Photo provided by Isaiah 117 House

You know what they say, when life hands you lemons, make lemonade — or in the Isaiah 117 House at Chambliss Center for Children’s case, donation dollars.

In an annual lemonade stand challenge that will run from Friday, July 12 through Sunday, July 14, this local nonprofit has a goal to raise $25,000 to support its efforts in providing a safe place for foster children in Hamilton County.

Looking to squeeze the day and join the cause? Here’s how:

  • Fill out the sign up form — there’s no deadline, meaning you could join on the last day.
  • Promote your stand to your community with a flyer + the house can provide informational cards and banners to decorate.
  • Supply what you want (think: different types of lemonade, baked goods, cold treats, etc.)
  • Set the times and donation prices of your stand + get to selling.

Bonus: Stay tuned for a map of all participants so you can sip on fresh lemonade made with love for the community.

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