Go green(er) in Chattanooga

Looking for small sustainable habits you can add to your lifestyle? Check out these local efforts and organizations.

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NewTerra Compost provides a better solution for disposal of food residuals + compostables.

Photo by NOOGAtoday

Hoping to minimize your carbon footprint? While you may not be able to buy an electric car or collect rainwater in the backyard, there are smaller steps you can take to go greener.

Here are some small ways to go green, locally.

Start composting

Not sure where to begin? Local business NewTerra Compost provides you with a bucket to gather compostable objects, then gets rid of it for you. You can get that bucket picked up curbside + replaced with a new one for $30/month, or you can drop it off yourself at a kiosk location for $15/month.

Every spring and fall, you’ll receive finished compost, or you can have it donated.

Use public transportation

Try riding the bus or biking to your next coffee date. If you’ve never used CARTA before, check out these tips + tricks , and learn more about our bicycle transit system here .

Bonus: check out ChattaTransit for more helpful info.

Eat local

Purchasing foods from local farmers reduces the distance needed to transport your food (which means fewer fossil fuels used), helps protect farmland, and supports the local economy. Make it easy on yourself by ordering weekly or bi-weekly CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) boxes from Signal Mountain Farm. You can also shop locally year-round at the Main Street Farmers Market .

Greenify your renovations

Local business Green’s Design and Supply helps folks build, remodel, and renovate sustainably with environmentally responsible building materials and interior finishes.

Clean up

Check out these local organizations dedicated to keeping Chattanooga clean — they often host community cleanup events.

Shop sustainably

Get your next outfit at a local thrift store , and stay tuned for the next SHE BOP pop-up for clothing swaps, upcycled clothing, and vintage vendors.

Get certified green

Chattanooga is home to the nation’s first localized sustainability professional certificate — take Green Spaces’ eight-week green leader certification course to examine how businesses can be resilient, increase efficiency, prepare for risk, and communicate the value of sustainability.

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Brianna is based in Chicago, IL, and has worked with 6AM City in various editorial capacities for several years. Coming from a mountain town in Tennessee and currently living near Chicago’s beautiful lakefront, Brianna spends most of her free time enjoying the outdoors.